Briefcase Factory is the only Joomla equivalent for Yahoo's Briefcase. Your users can store files, documents, images in their accounts and choose to share them with other users or with the wide public. The user interface is intuitive and uses AJAX for several operations, therefore no page reloads to slow down your work.

Your files are easy to access and manage through Frontend of the component: 


Main features are:  Add new files and folders, Share files to users, Move files to other folders, Change category of the files, Modify description and sharing price (vodes).


You can ADD more than one file at a time; number can be set in admin backend: 



The uploaded Files can be SHARED with one user, more than one user, all users, or with the public (registered and unregistered users): 



If you uploaded some files in the wrong folder you can always MOVE them as you please: 



Files can be assigned to several Categories (configurable in the admin backend). Of course you can change the category also after upload: 



Create Folders where you like, even folder in folder, no limitations here: 



Files Shared for Me by other users are accesible under this area - now you can see the power of BriefcaseFactory:



Public Shared Files is the place on your site where any visitor can view or download files:



In the Administration Backend you can configure the main features of this unique component:



Logged on as administrator you can access ALL the Files uploaded by all users on your system. You can search after certain terms or filter one particular user. Any file can be deleted, renamed or you can change it's Category.




General Settings of the JoomlaComponent is the area where you configure the following core features:

  • Number of Simultaneous Files that can be uploaded by one user;
  • Size Limit per File that a user can upload into the system;
  • Number of displayed Files per Page;
  • Number of Users that are listed on the Share-Popup;
  • Store Pathway on the Server where all the User Files are stored;
  • Size Limit per User;
  • Notify Users by email when a new file is shared privatly to them;
  • Notification Email Type (text or html)
  • Notification Email Subject
  • Notification Email Body
  • To change the Language from english to german type in 'de' and place a file with a proper translation called 'de.php' into dir '.../components/com_brief/lang/'.
  • JACL Integration (User Groups) SETTINGS
  • VODES Integration (Credit System) SETTINGS




As administrator you must set up a list with Categories suitable for your website. Users can assign their files under these categories. 



Last but not least, any web administrator loves to see some Statistics


This Tutorial is compliant with Briefcase Factory 1.1.x.